Friday, April 23, 2010

Best package ever

Wow its been forever since I have posted anything here...but I am still living on island and only have a few more days in the studio(lots to still finish)...but I made a trip to my PO BOX hoping that I would have a sweet income tax return waiting for me. And of course there was nothing from the government, but I finally got this amazing package from Eunice:) who sent it to me forever ago. But it was the hardest thing ever to get, finally NOW sent it to me(after it being "misplaced")!!! And it was worth the trip from the island to the mainland, because it was full of goodies and nice things. I took a few quick photos of some of what was inside. The fortune telling fish was pretty rad, it was also accurate(spooky). So thank you Eunice it was the best! Also I have been taking photos of my stay on the island with my holga and once I get them developed I will post them and all the other things I am up too-promise.


  1. !!! YAYYY! I AM SO HAPPY you finally got it. i'm not so sure about the chocolate though - it's been around for soo long.

  2. Hahaha---Too Late! I survived...And I am sooo happy:) Thank you!!!
